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Innovate We Can

We have innovative design, functionality and quality at a competitive pricing. We focus on the development of groundbreaking household items for daily use.

We are a trustworthy company associated with one of the biggest German grocery-retail and non-food corporation for more than 40 years. Our ideas invent outstanding products.

Theme worlds

Doing laundry, ironing and keeping things tidy is made easy. You will find a wide range of practical and beautiful articles for daily use. Always on the pulse of time, at unbeatable prices without compromising quality.


Excellent suppliers

Long-term successful business relationships with our manufactures in China, Italy, Turkey, and other countries ensures a reliable and timely supply chain.

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Together with our global suppliers we fulfil new product ideas – and this on time and in compliance with the highest standards of quality, social responsibility and sustainability.

Gurris GmbH

Gaußstraße 10
68165 Mannheim

Phone: +49 621/432230